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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wedding in South Carolina

On Saturday, August 2 Grace and I traveled down to Victory Baptist Church in Darlington, South Carolina for a wedding of some friends. Nathan Ware and Ruth Jones were the bride and groom. They were introduced to each other by my sister in law and her husband, Beth and Chris Birkholz. Chris and Nathan were roommates in Connecticut. Ruth was friends with Beth from Crown College in Powell, TN. In addition, Nathan became good friends with Grace and me more recently. He lived in Wilson, NC for the last six months for a training period of the company he is employed with. Grace called him up and invited him to Friend Day back in March and he came. Afterwards, he started coming regularly when he was not having to travel for his job or prepare for the wedding. He was such a blessing to our church and an encouragement to Grace and me. He came out several times to help in canvassing Farmville with church brochures and even helped to support us with his presence in the service. He took us out to Fuddruckers with him to eat and we had him over for a home cooked meal also. Since where he lived in Wilson was about 40 minutes from us, Grace and I considered it a great honor to have him drive back and forth so much to come to our church.

The wedding went good. It was short, sweet, and to the point lasting only about 30 minutes for the ceremony and then about 1 hour for the reception. They are both really sweet people. I know Ruth was up in Pennsylvania at my in laws quite a bit and so Grace was able to be around her some there. The honeymoon plans were a big secret so I will be anxious to hear all about where they traveled to. Their overall plans are to reside in Connecticut, where the headquarters are for Nathan's job. Obviously they will be active in a local church there once they get settled in. We pray that God blesses their marriage abundantly!!! The final picture below Grace made for them with Photoshop to say congrats. She is doing a great job with her digital photo techniques.

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