1) Attendance-
- Monday night 32
- Tuesday night 35
- Wednesday night 52
These numbers included a few adults on the property too and the final night includes the parents that we invited for parent night.
2) Help- My in laws, Tom and Lisa Henricks drive all the way from Pennsylvania to be with us and help on on these three days. Bro Tom had an early service on Sunday evening and left to drive all night to be present with us on Monday. Then he and Mrs. H. drove all night on Wednesday to be able to allow Bro
Tom to be back at work on Thursday. What an honor to have them think so much of us to sacrifice so much!
In addition, some of our church members volunteered to pick up kids and drop them off each night. Some of our ladies of the church made food each night and prepared for the kids. Some helped with the set up and take down. Others helped to clean the church each night. Some helped to attain and finalize the planning by arranging to pick up items that were needed before the event began. Grace and I couldn't have done it without all the help. We are very appreciative!
3) Games and Activities- We had much donated to us for the week: a saddle to use for display in the auditorium, free square bails of hay (as much as we needed), the Western canvass town scenery, much donated candy and snacks, one man donated his time and airplane to do an airplane candy drop on Monday night, another man along with his son and helper came out on Tuesday evening with two horses to give rides to the kids, a young guy that I met in town brought us two chickens for use in our chicken chase on Wednesday night, and of course the Lord gave us many sweet deals on toys and give aways for prizes for the week.
4) Salvations- We had 7 kids trust Christ as Savior during the half week. This of course is the ultimate goal, not the games or such. Praise God!
For our first time here everything turned out really well and we are extremely grateful for the victory we experienced! Our desire is to do a work for the Lord and this was a great beginning for a future open door and future follow ups concerning having a good children's ministry.
Michael and Grace
I so love reading your blog.
Reading about your VBS, speaks volumes about you, and Grace. One almost feels that they were there. Your enthusiasm and energy are so evident, and the pictures are worth a 1,000 words.
Indeed, Mr. and Mrs. Henricks are special. Not only in the Lord's work, but in being Grace's parents. She's a gift, not only to Michael, but to our entire family.
I love you so much! You did such a great job putting together VBS. You did great at organizing everything and coming up with fun games and ideas. Your my best friend and I'm glad I have you...nobody could ever change the way I feel about you!!! Keep on keeping on with the ministry God has given and ordained you to do! He will bless those that are Faithful.
Your Ever Faithful Wife =)
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